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Clip properties

Clip properties provide information that describes and identifies each clip. You can view clip properties by right-clicking the clip and then clicking Preview/Properties.

Property What it describes
Caption Based on the file name if the clip has one, this is a short description of the clip, which is searchable and editable
Name The name of the clip file, including a file name extension
Type The type of file based on the file name extension
Size The file size in bytes
Resolution The dimensions of a picture or motion clip in pixels (some clips, such as .wmfs, do not show dimensions)
Orientation Indicates whether the clip is landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical)
Created Shows the date and time of file creation
File Path The location of the clip
Catalog Path The location of the catalog the clip is in
Keywords The keywords assigned to the clip
Edit Keywords Add or change keywords associated with the clip
Preview Included in the Preview/Properties dialog box, this shows a large preview of the clip
Play Plays the current clip if it is a sound or motion clip
Refresh Refreshes the File Path field, thumbnail, and other clip properties